About Us

Welcome to News and Views, a local New England and Northwest community group in NSW Australia whose objective is to provide real uncensored news on the current events from a local grassroot perspective.

We, like many fellow Australians feel that a well-informed public is one of the most important things in a free and democratic society. Transparency in all levels of government and media is critical to not only the lives of all Australians, but also our future generations.

As a small group of volunteers from very humble beginnings lets start talking about what is happening locally, nationally and globally. There is so much we can learn from each other throughout our communities.

So LETS GO, feel free to read on. Hey! don't forget, we are just starting, so whilst our initial content might be limited it will grow over time. For all you freedom loving Aussies out there wishing to join us on this voyage, we welcome you with open arms.

Our Mission

News and Views aims to bring inspiration and innovative ideas to the people of New England, the North West and beyond.

Our Vision

Our vision is to reach out and create a well informed and supportive community by sharing ideas and opinions on current events. Our intention is to include mainstream and alternative views on a range of topics including but not exclusive to organic gardening, education, health, sports, home support, banking and cash.

Our Values

To respect the ideas, views and opinions of others.